
Why Cambridge

  • Small Class Sizes
  • We believe quality education is best accomplished in a small environment where students are able to engage in thoughtful conversations with their peers and develop meaningful relationships with their professors. Therefore Cambridge class sizes are small by design, with a 6:1 student to teacher ratio enabling much more substantial class discussion and interaction.

  • Virtual Teaching
  • Due to the diligence and flexibility of our faculty, Cambridge classes transitioned to a virtual format without forfeiting any school days. Our educational philosophy highlights the importance of face-to-face instruction. By continuing to allow families to attend class via Zoom, we alleviate the burden placed upon many parents during this time of homeschooling their children. Our professors continue to stimulate meaningful and dynamic discussions while maintaining the highest quality of instruction for our students, whether they are in-person or virtual.

  • Flexibility
  • Throughout Cambridge’s history, we have had to exercise flexibility in our scheduling. We have successfully learned how to think on our feet when unexpected changes occur. Our most recent and perhaps most notable unexpected challenge was the tornado on October 20, 2019, which destroyed the campus we had called home for over 11 years. Adapting to new norms, adjusting plans, and creatively utilizing our resources have become a distinctive part of the Cambridge community.

    Since the COVID-19 outbreak, we have successfully transitioned our classrooms to an online format and back to in-person in a safe and easy manner. Our Cambridge community remains strong through virtual and in-person meetings and events – our parents have enjoyed one another’s company via grade meetings and Parent Fellowship meetings; students maintain their friendships with their peers through weekly house meetings; as well as the beloved Cambridge tradition, Coffee Haus, where students and faculty shared videos of skits and songs with the Cambridge community.

  • Accommodating
  • Cambridge recognizes that no one family is the same and is committed to meeting each student’s particular needs. Our faculty and administration know and interact with each Cambridge family on a personal level. We are in the business of forming young scholars, who will become leaders and strong Christian voices in their sphere of influence. In order to live out this mission, we prioritize our students’ well-being in mind, body, and spirit.

  • Academic Discipleship
  • In the age of social distancing, many individuals will experience some form of emotional and spiritual distress. Throughout his letters, the Apostle Paul expresses his deep sorrow when cut-off from the Christian community. We share in Paul’s lament as we too desire to learn and grow with one another face-to-face.

    In the midst of a pandemic, it is more important than ever to advance Cambridge’s mission of Academic Discipleship. Through virtual media and a shared devotion to academic and spiritual growth, our community is committed to nurturing young men and women. Our tight-knit community of students, faculty, administrators, and parents invite you to join us as together we pursue lives that adorn the gospel because of the undeniable presence of Christ.