

Cambridge is about intensive discipleship, strategic influence, traditional education, and intellectual preparation; our goal is to graduate students who are able and willing to be an antidote to cultural decline and spiritual drift. Cambridge’s goal is summed up in our mission statement: Academic Discipleship: Fostering a Love of Learning with a Passion for Jesus Christ.

What does this mean and how do we accomplish this kind of Academic Discipleship? First, we seek to fulfill the greatest commandment to love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind and with all our strength(Matt 22:37, Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27). Next, as a college preparatory school, we hold high academic standards and train students to think more deeply for themselves. Third, classical education places a high priority on the pursuit of truth in all areas of study. It includes an integrated study of language (both English and Latin), literature, philosophy, history, science and rhetoric. Lastly, our greatest goal is to be a Christian institution in far more than name and motto. Cambridge’s classical, Christian, college prep education nurtures a lifelong passion for truth, maturity, and holiness and seeks to produce able minded, Christ-honoring citizens.

Middle School Program

At the Cambridge School of Dallas students are taught mastery of basic concepts and skills that lead to Upper School success within the context of a traditional Christ-centered education. Students do more than learn facts from textbooks; they learn to respect and enjoy knowledge and to be humble and wise in their pursuit of it. Students learn by example to stand for truth. Parents can have confidence that their child is being prepared for future academic success. Our faculty strives to make sure every student is doing their best and reaching their full potential.

Middle School Program


Faculty are scholars who are willing and committed to bringing their interest and expertise to the classroom and facilitating curiosity in their students. Small class size truly enables these master teachers to be highly engaged with students personally and academically, which is critical to the school’s culture of encouraging independent thought and challenging discussion.


Upper School Program

The upper school curriculum is especially designed to prepare students for college.The curriculum is taught from a biblical worldview and is enriched by a classical emphasis. All that is taught in the classroom, reinforced in athletics, and modeled by the faculty aims to further a student’s apprenticeship to Jesus Christ. The curriculum is designed to further the discipleship of mind and heart.

Upper School Program

Our Academic Philosophy

Education serves Christian discipleship by fostering a love of learning with a passion for Jesus Christ. Our aim is to equip students to love and serve God with all their minds in order to serve Him with all their heart, soul and strength. The School’s desire is to see students glorify God in every area of their lives.


College Placement

The Cambridge School of Dallas College Placement Office provides guidance and resources to assist students and their families in making informed college decisions. College counseling at Cambridge is a four-year cumulative process which includes parent and student meetings, extensive individual advising of junior and senior students, ample resource materials, and assistance in the submission of applications.
