
Faculty & Staff Reading Ideas: Jeffrey Edition

By Joshua Jeffrey

This has been a particularly difficult summer for finding time to read, but I’m working on the following: 

  • Albert Camus, The Plague. I’m reading this one on the recommendation of Professor Benson, my parents, and much of the rest of the country, it seems.
  • Blaise Pascal, Pensées. I’ve been meaning to reread Pascal since college, and this seemed like a good summer for his sharp wit and wisdom.
  • Fynn, Mister God this is Anna. Theology at its most simple and also sometimes its most poignant, wrapped in a true story about a young but remarkably wise orphan girl from the East End of London.
  • Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Idiot. Doestoevsky is one of my favorite authors, but I’ve never yet read this particular work; and I owe a discussion of it to at least one Cambridge parent after she recommended it to me over a year ago.
  • Martyn Lloyd Jones, Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure. A powerful and useful collection of sermons. I’m not sure what else to say about it, but if you are struggling, it has good Biblically founded advice.
  • J.R.R. Tolkein, The Hobbit. I bought an absolutely gorgeous hardcover illustrated edition (linked to by the title) to share this childhood favorite with my daughter, and we are reading it together.