
Student Praxis Reflection


Below is a reflection from rising Cambridge Junior Luke Blazek:

The professors came up with a list of things, or “practices,” from which the students would choose three to commit to during the summer break that will help them best develop true rest and leisure. Instead of assigning a common summer reading book for everyone this year, the School thought it would benefit the well being of the students to have them pick three ways in which they can most effectively exhibit leisure over the break. For example, one can choose to pick up a new book to read, or vow to take a walk or two every day, or simply try to pray more at the beginning or end of each day. I don’t know of many other schools that do this, and I believe it is an essential part of an all-around education to have students make their own decisions in order to decipher what is the most productive way to spend their summer and still be able to achieve true leisure. This is a great opportunity for myself and other students to maybe step out of our comfort zones and do something that we may not normally be accustomed to doing. I look forward to trying out this new activity here at Cambridge and I am positive it will help both students and professors to get the most fulfillment and relaxation out of their summer vacations.

To read more about this year’s Praxis, click here. To select your own practices, click here.