
Ethan Baxter & Prayerful Praxis

Ethan Baxter & Prayerful Praxis 8/13/18 Head of Cambridge Ambassadors Ethan Baxter reflects upon his time with family this summer and the role of prayer. “My Summer Praxis was centered […]

Ana Bruce & Praxis

Ana Bruce & Caregiving Practice 7/31/18 Rising Junior and Honor Council member Ana Bruce reflects upon her participation in Cambridge’s Summer Praxis. This Monday I enjoyed making dinner for my […]

Prefect’s Charge

Class Night Prefect’s Charge Given by Kendall Killian on May 18, 2018 6/14/18 When people ask me what I love about Cambridge, I always answer: the people. Because as great […]

Student Reflection on Summer Praxis

Student Praxis Reflection 5/31/18 Below is a reflection from rising Cambridge Junior Luke Blazek: The professors came up with a list of things, or “practices,” from which the students would […]

Cambridge Students Recognized by National Charity League

Cambridge Students Recognized by National Charity League 5/7/2018 Two Cambridge students were recognized at the annual awards ceremony for the Park Cities Chapter of National Charity League this weekend. Sophomore […]